PDRM saman 50% discount at Program Madani Rakyat Zon Timur – Dataran Sayangi Kuantan, July 5-7

Yet once more, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) is offering discounts of up to 50% on selected traffic summonses in another special campaign, this time in Kuantan, Pahang on July 5 to 7, in conjunction with the Program Madani Rakyat 2024 Zon Timur event.

For motorists in the east coast, this will be a good opportunity to take advantage of the limited-time discount offer. Traffic summons payment counters will be opened at the Dataran Sayangi Kuantan space from 9am to 4pm on those dates.

As before, the discounted rates will not be offered for summonses issued for offences such as red light offences, emergency lane misuse, dangerous overtaking and overtaking across double lines. Summonses for which discounts are also not applicable include non-compoundable offences, court appearance offences, offences involving lorries and modified exhaust-related offences.

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